A non-trivial Movies app built in multiple frameworks

The Movies App is a non-trivial demo application built on top of the TMDB (The Movie Database) API. It features multiple routes and views, authentication, dark mode and a range of performance optimizations.
Our goal is to educate developers on how they can build a good user-experience that can deliver reasonable performance while maintaining good DX. We discourage using these apps for drawing apples to apples performance comparisons as they were not built with this use-case in mind.
Note: While every effort has been made to optimize performance, these applications are not considered perfect and can be impacted by TMDB API latency outside our control. Feel free to learn from them or contribute back if you spot something we could improve!
Bonus: If you are looking for a learning resource closer to the "Rosetta stone" for frameworks, look at component-party.dev.
A huge thanks to all our contributors for their help on optimizations, in particular:
Special thanks goes to Jason who wrote the original vue-movies, Fidalgo for react-movie-library, Wayne for the original SvelteKit Movie App and Hiten for Lit TMDB
These demo applications abide by the TMDB terms of service and should be used for learning purposes only.
Unless otherwise stated, demo applications are released under an MIT license, consistent with code made available via the TodoMVC/TasteJS GitHub organization.